Max Lugavere on Controversial Alzheimer's Drugs and Studies

And ultimately people , you know , from all walks of life , but a lot of , you know , a lot of people go into science , go into medicine because it's just a , it's a career path , right ? It's a career path for somebody wanting validation . It comes with prestige , it comes with , money , comes with all the things that , that like makes sense that a person would want , right ?

Jon Peters on Producing Batman, Casting Michael Keaton, and Jack Nicholson

That , that guy is willing to do things that most people are not willing to do like , he's willing to get fat , he's willing to , like , almost die of starvation . So they have a career . Yeah .

Joe and Matt Walsh Disagree Over Gay Marriage

But that's where I get deep satisfaction and , and that's , that's what I'm focused on and the , the woman says that's great because I don't want Children either . I really am attached to my interest in my career and what I like to do that that's not damaging your relationship with your wife and your family . It's , I don't , certainly , I certainly don't think of it as a threat to my marriage or my family .

Andrew Dice Clay on Being Banned from MTV

I think he's the absolute greatest from stand up to , to the films he's done . And that's sort of the career I wanted that . I figured I would just go from doing , you know , uh millions of people on the road to just movie stardom , you know , but , you know , I got the backlash , you know , you were the first to get the backlash .

Jason Everman Went from Being in Nirvana and Soundgarden to Being an Army Ranger

I kind of endeavored to actively author my own life . Um , um , you know , pursuing the ends of making a life that kept me engaged , kept me interested . Um , then was , was meaningful to me , you know .